Start your creative journey.
No matter where you want to end up, we’ve got a path to help get you there. Our comprehensive programs are best for future art directors, copywriters, and strategists who are serious about their portfolio, strive to work at the biggest and best ad agencies, and want to be fully-prepared to hit the ground running when they get there. Choose your destiny below…

Tuition: $27,000
5 quarters | 15 months | full-time workload | online or in Denver
Agency copywriters best express their thoughts using words.
If you...
have a strong opinion on the Oxford Comma, fly into an unhinged rage when you spot a missplleing, spend your free time on, think music lyrics are poetry (sure, even Machine Gun Kelly), can pen the wittiest of prose on Instagram like some sorta social media Shakespeare, and are able to distill large complex thoughts into succinct and impactful messages that people can easily understand and enjoy
...then you’d probably make a good writer.

The copy curriculum.
The Big Idea
Insight Mining
Writing for Space
The Craft of Writing
Adobe I – Design
Campaign Development
Writing for Tone
Campaign Development
Adobe II – Layout
Campaign Development
Writing for Screen
Campaign Development
Viral Executions
Adobe III – FX
Campaign Development
Campaign Execution
Campaign Development – Fire Drill
Campaign Execution
Adobe IV – Motion
Campaign Assembly
Getting a Job
The High Art of Selling
Adobe V – Portfolio Prep
Look like fun? Click below to get more info along with in-depth class descriptions. Or if you can’t wait don’t let us stop ya, go ahead and apply below.
Are you secretly a copywriter?
check the flow
You, like, really get it
say it without saying it
write all damn day long
always (over)think it through

Copywriting sometimes feels like...
Stand-up comedy • Philosophy • Songwriting • Being a real estate agent on Million Dollar Listing • Writing for SNL • Directing a movie • Working as a translator • Tweeting all day and getting paid for it
Art Direction
Tuition: $27,000
5 quarters | 15 months | full-time workload | online or in Denver
Agency art directors best express their thoughts visually.
If you...
experience a rage blackout whenever you see someone use the Hobo or Papyrus fonts, can match the hues of random objects to colors on, have always wanted to direct a music video, are proud to say your idea of a good book is the 1975 NASA brand style guide, and can create a visual look and feel that fits with a brand and the story they’re trying to tell
...then you’d probably make a good art director.

The art curriculum.
The Big Idea
Insight Mining
Design Foundation
Adobe I – Design
Campaign Development
Building a Brand Identity
Campaign Development
Adobe II – Layout
Campaign Development
Directing Art
Campaign Development
Viral Executions
Adobe III – FX
Campaign Development
Campaign Execution
Campaign Development – Fire Drill
Campaign Execution
Adobe IV – Motion
Campaign Assembly
Getting a Job
The High Art of Selling
Adobe V – Portfolio Prep
Look like fun? Click below to get more info along with in-depth class descriptions. Or if you can’t wait don’t let us stop ya, go ahead and apply below.
Are you secretly an art director?
all about the aesthetics
art speaks to you
doodle all damn day long
lock eyes with logos
taste what's good

Art Direction sometimes feels like...
Graphic design • Being a social media influencer • Crafting • Photography • Shooting a movie • Collabing with your favorite brand on a merch drop • Pretending to be a famous artist • Redecorating your entire apartment
Tuition: $27,000
5 quarters | 15 months | full-time workload | online or in Denver
Agency strategists best express their ideas with critical thinking.
If you...
have a subscription to both PAPER Magazine and the Wall Street Journal, routinely crush even the nerdiest of nerds at trivia night, often hear someone question “why” and respond back with a 10-page Keynote deck, pick which trendy sneakers to wear each day based on the brand’s opening bell valuation, and you enjoy being a cultural anthropologist who strives to find the human truths that fuel big ideas
...then you’d probably make a good strategist.

The strat curriculum.
The Big Idea
Insight Mining
Strategic Planning
Research Design
Adobe I – Design
Brief Building
Insights and Culture
Brand Storytelling
Adobe II – Layout
Campaign Brief
Campaign Development
Comms Strategy
Adobe III – Motion
Campaign Brief
Campaign Development
Thought Leadership
Campaign Assembly
Getting a Job
The High Art of Selling
Adobe V – Portfolio Prep
Look like fun? Click below to get more info along with in-depth class descriptions. Or if you can’t wait don’t let us stop ya, go ahead and apply below.
Are you secretly a strategist?
creative, but not hands-on creative
culture vulture
explore humankind
get hype
never stop digging

Strategy sometimes feels like...
Living in a creative commune and being an artist’s muse • Anthropology • Psychology • Investigative documentary filmmaking • Market analysis • Doing the weather on the local news, but instead you’re forecasting cultural trends • Being a hotshot celebrity lawyer