If you think about it, fur trappers were the original freelancers.
They’d venture deep into the Rocky Mountains, hired by fur companies to bring back as many pelts as they could carry. Then if they returned safely to the trading post they’d get a nice commission for each fur they secured. All in all a good gig for those who didn’t mind the harsh working conditions of the unexplored Colorado wilderness.
And now a couple hundred years later, we need you on the hunt for us. We don’t do much paid advertising because we think word-of-mouth advertising straight from all of you is what most authentically sells DAD.
Tell your friends, family, co-workers, former classmates, former professors, and anyone else you meet all about DAD. Use any of the assets below to share, or just share the good word in your own way. All without having to step foot in the wilderness.
Level up your referral game.
Visit a college club meeting
Reach out to a creative club at your alma-mater – advertising club, creative writing club, graphic design club, etc. – and schedule a visit. You can go by yourself and talk about your own journey to DAD after college or you can bring Heather and Jesse along for the visit. Let those two know about it and you get paid.
Visit a college class
Reach out to a former college professor you liked and schedule a visit to their class. You can go by yourself and talk about your own journey to DAD after college or you can bring Heather and Jesse along for the visit. Let those two know about it and you get paid.
Refer a student
Talk to an individual or group of students about DAD. Answer their questions, share your story, and be the final push they need to take the plunge and apply to DAD. Tell them to put your name on their app and then if they're accepted and enroll in DAD, we'll send you $400.

Who should you talk to?
College professors or instructors you had who were cool
Current college students you’re friends with or connected to somehow
Current college club presidents, executives, or members
College advisors you had who were cool
Family, friends, or acquaintances who would absolutely crush this kinda thing
Someone you met in line at Chipotle who you were just flirting with at first but then the more you talked you kinda sorta got the impression they might like advertising and should totally think about portfolio school
How to talk about DAD.
Talk to your former college advisors and professors…
“After college I realized I had some more work to do to build on what I learned in college, so like many people who get into the advertising industry I went to a portfolio school. I think it would be great to let students currently in college know about portfolio school so they can be more knowledgeable about their options. I think portfolio school is great and know other students like me would agree.”
Talk to your college ad clubs or current college students…
“What your college professors often don’t want to admit is that tons of people who got into the ad industry as creatives need more portfolio help after college. Portfolio school is here to help you feel more prepared to work in an agency and have a portfolio that better reflects your talents. If you’re anything like me in college, you likely aren’t feeling totally confident about getting a job in a great agency and that’s exactly what portfolio schools can help with.”
Talk to your creative friends…
You know what to tell your friends better than us. If you think they can do this, just straight up tell them! That’s often all it takes. Just imagine if you had a friend encouraging you to follow a creative passion, that’s quite the confidence booster that so many of us need in the beginning. Then just tell ‘em all the real shit that goes on here, be honest about everything and let them decide.