Yeah, our teachers
are kind of a big deal.
If you think the big list of agencies below looks similar to the list of places we help place our graduates – you’re right. It's also a selection of the agencies where we hire our instructors. We get the best instructors from the best agencies in the country. And because we're picky, we also get the best ad school students in the country. Then we have the best instructors teach the best ad school students and when the best agencies in the country need to the best junior talent in the country, they hire the best ad school graduates from DAD. Kinda makes sense, huh?

Let those who have gone
before you be your guide.
The creative journey can be a scary one. Hell, anything new and different often is. But that’s why you come to DAD — to take risks. And on the creative journey, sometimes taking a risk means following a path that can unexpectedly veer off into the unknown. Which isn’t so bad, as long as you’ve got someone with you who knows the way back.
Learn from pros,
not professors.
At DAD, all of your instructors are working professionals with years of experience at the best agencies in the country. No one’s passively giving lectures or teaching from outdated textbooks – this isn’t college, this is the real world. We’re honestly more like guides than we are teachers. When your creative path takes an unexpected detour, the people below will be here to guide you back to where you need to be.
And because all of our instructors have awesome agency day jobs, that means sometimes their schedules require they take the occasional break from teaching. But as instructors leave, new ones enter. Because our cast of instructors is always rotating, below we’ve selected some of our favorites who’ve ever taught with us. Click their photos to silently stalk them, connect with them, or even message them.